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Linuo Ritter & Hongjitang Pharma at WCIFIT 2019


The 2nd Western China International Fair for Investment and Trade (WCIFIT) opened its gate at Chongqing International Expo Center on May 16th and attracted more than 4000 companies as well as 70,000 visitors from 95 countries and regions.

This time Linuo Ritter presented its solar water heaters (with or without air source heat pump) which are very practical for the household use in South China. Through the microchannel heat circulation technology, the heat pump has enhanced its efficiency with 40% more heat exchange surface area. Its targeted marketing was acclaimed by potential buyers who share the vision of low carbon emission and energy saving.

Through the platform of WCIFIT, Linuo Ritter aims to expand its business in Southwest China and win more customers with its high-quality products and service.

As China Time-honored Brand, Hongjitang Pharma also joined the event. In front of the well-decorated booth, the hand preparation of sliced Ejiao with sesames and walnuts was always attended by interested visitors. Many of them heard the name of Hongjitang for the first time and were impressed by the code of conduct Hongjitang has been upholding since its establishment a century ago.

It is expected that more brands under the roof of Linuo shall be known and available to the customers across the region.